Business and Entrepreneurship

Facing a new era, business initiatives need to undertake increasing social responsibilities beyond pursuing pure economic interests. Traditionally, corporate social responsibility was mostly fulfilled by donation, with public welfare activities independent from business operations. Today, emerging concepts such as ESG, CSR and social enterprises offer a new approach to viewing business organizations.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage the young generation to utilize their creativity and business intuition to explore novel approaches for companies to strengthen social responsibility and exert positive influence on both society and corporations in the process.

Science and Innovation 

The driving force of science and technology is to empower human development, social progress and harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Scientific breakthroughs continuously promote the advancement of human civilization.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage youth to participate in scientific and technological innovation with a sustainable mindset. We aim to promote the spirit of science without borders. With sustainable development in mind, our future scientists and engineers would further explore the harmonious relationship between humans, nature and society.

Equality and Public

Welfare & Security

Amidst climate change crisis and other natural challenges, promoting social equality is one of the biggest global endeavors in the 21st century. There is a growing consensus that underprivileged communities are more vulnerable to shifts in environment conditions due to dependency on natural resources.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage youth to research how public welfare and security affects different social groups and actively establish and engage in initiatives that promote social equality.

Education and Culture Heritage

Environmental deterioration and resource depletion were the initial emphasis of sustainable development 50 years ago. However, as time goes by, another important sector has also become a central focus — the loss of cultural and historical relics. Sustainable development of culture is becoming an imminent issue.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage young people to actively participate in understanding and promoting education and culture, vitalizing diverse cultural heritage and allowing them to prosper in the future era.

Health and Human Development

The 193 countries that adopted the 2030 Agenda in 2015 did not anticipate the impact of COVID-19 on the world — increasing poverty, hunger, and inequality are posing severe threats to all communities.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage young people to pay in-depth attention to health and human development through creative exploration via the lens of social psychology, social anthropology, and other interdisciplinary perspectives. This allows the world to better confront global challenges and reconstruct social stability.

Art and Design Thinking 

Art and design have become an important way for people to communicate and express consensus, especially in a world with increasing conflict and friction. The implementation of the 17 SDGs requires the integration of culture, art and design thinking to gather the wisdom of all mankind and address vital issues.
Our intention for establishing this area is to guide the youth to connect through art and design, explore modern values, and promote exchange and communication, in order to enhance mutual understanding, build consensus, and construct a collaborative global community.

Environment and Earth Science 

To implement sustainable development and achieve balanced economic, social and environmental progress, it is necessary to explore and pursue a harmonious and unified relationship between human and nature.

Our intention for establishing this area is to guide the youth to establish a comprehensive ecological view, explore the transformation of the natural habitats, and address vital environmental issues. Building a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is a fundamental baseline for sustainable development.

Green and Low-Carbon Economy

As industrialization approaches a turning point, the massive amount of carbon footprint left by human development has become one of the biggest hazards to global sustainable development.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage the youth to research and engage in initiatives that balance environmental and economic value. Working together, the youth shall actively respond to the era of global climate change by building a feasible time frame for green development and a low-carbon economy.

Global Partnership and


Cross-border and cross-cultural communication have become increasingly frequent in the globalized world. At the same time, our globe faces many challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and frequent extreme weather. Global partnership and collaboration is vital in addressing these vital challenges threatening the entire human race.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage youths to embrace the world, build authentic collaboration with peers from around the globe based on a shared vision, and transcend national boundaries and cultural differences to jointly solve imminent challenges. 

Non-Sibi and Social Responsibility

Non-Sibi (not for self) and social responsibility is the essential spirit and ideology to construct a better future. Egoism may achieve short-term benefits, but only altruism can endure the test of time and generate long-term positive impact.

Our intention for establishing this area is to encourage youth to think above and beyond one’s individual accomplishments. Young people in the new era should undertake extensive social responsibilities with an altruistic heart and broad vision. Instead of pursuing quick success and instant benefits, they should strive to do the right things to meet the challenges ahead.